How do we Address Safety Concerns for Employees Working in the Field?

Hey everyone!

This morning at our Weekly Retrospective Meeting, our Head of Sales shared a nail-biting story about a near-miss incident she, our boss, and a team member faced while out in the field yesterday. :scream:

It got me thinking: :thought_balloon: “Safety isn’t just for factory workers, logistics personnel, or power company staff (shoutout to NEPA :raised_hands:). It’s crucial for everyone!”

So, let’s dive into this together! :handshake:

:shield: How can we make sure our field teams stay safe? :shield:

Here’s what we want to know:

  • What safety measures do you think are essential for employees working outside the office?
  • Do you have any tips or stories to share about staying safe in the field?
  • How does your company handle field safety, and what works best?

Drop your thoughts, experiences, and ideas below. Let’s brainstorm and ensure we all stay safe out there! :star2:

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For me I think safety measures for those on the field starts from you… Study your environment at the time and be observant, follow your instincts and be smart while going about the days job.
For the organization I think best is to lay out the kind of areas that suits your business to the team on the field to target, follow up by the team lead in-between the day is very important and also provide HMO just in case… Most times in life they are things that still happens no matter how careful you are. At the end of the day our lives is in the hands of God :pray:… Thanks

it’s more like hearing something that sounds like trouble, I move
I see trouble coming from afar, so I move and try to avoid any issues that can escalate to a dangerous situation.

So it’s more about self-awareness first for you?

Thanks. This is insightful! But what if the situation wasn’t foreseen? More like an accident.