⁠How do you deal with days you don’t feel like doing anything?

I woke up Monday morning, feeling utterly drained and unmotivated. The thought of tackling my to-do list for the day felt like climbing a mountain. I remember hitting the snooze button repeatedly, wondering how I’d make it through the day.

As I lay in bed, I realized I wasn’t alone. My sister, Mrs Ben, often shared stories of similar struggles. She would say, ‘On days like that, I take it one tiny step at a time. I start with making my bed, then move on to preparing breakfast.’

I decided to follow my sister’s advice, and so I began by getting off the bed, then slowly got dressed. Next, I prepared a simple breakfast and took a short walk outside. Before I knew it, I was tackling my tasks, one small step at a time.

The day wasn’t perfect, but I learned that sometimes, all it takes is a gentle start to get moving. And that’s okay.

I hope this story resonates with you! Remember, it’s normal to have off days, and taking small steps can help you get back on track.


Some days are like that but when I remember adulthood…I push myself to overcome the feeling.

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I think of all the things I’ll be missing and the consequences. That alone propels me to shake the numb feeling towards work and get active.

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Some days i feel that way but then there is bills to be paid and deadlines to meet

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This is soooo relatable.

The lazy part, not the ‘aspire to perspire’ part.

And why not? :skull:


Haaa! What happened to “Faith without work is dead?” James 2 Vs 17

I sleep back ooooo :rofl:

Word… my boss just gave me a blueprint. Thanks boss

After seeing this motivation and feeling inspired, remember that tomorrow is retrospective. go and get your reports and goals up-to-date

" me being the devil’s advocate" @Jumoke

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Words of the year :fire::fire:.

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