You’ve asked for it for a while now, and now it’s here - Drogo now allows you run performance review cycles!!
Drogo’s performance calculations are automated based on user activities. Your progress towards a goal, how consistent you are in letting your team mates know what you’re working on every week/day, and how well you meet the expectations you set for yourself.
However, all these cover technical performance.
It doesn’t account for value alignment - empathy, integrity, honesty, collaboration, and other soft-skills.
It also doesn’t clarify nuances that might have affected a performance drop (e.g. heavy rainfall that flooded a city block and took out power - extreme example, but you get the picture )
How Performance Review Cycles Help
By running performance review cycles any period you choose (monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, etc), you get to allow managers and peers weigh in on what their thoughts about the performance of a teammate really is, and why. You also get self-reviews to show you how the reviewed teammate see themselves.
Drogo’s Reviews are all the data you need
The combination of Drogo’s review, a manager review, peer reviews, and self-reviews give HR Managers and CEOs almost all the data points they need to make performance-related decisions with as much objectiveness as possible.