What are you working on this week? Share a screenshot of your todo list, let's hold you accountable!

Hey guys!

Here’s a question.
By the end of every week, do you feel fulfilled with how the week went and if you got to achieve all your plans for that week?
Most times we set goals for a timeframe and due to one reason or the other, we don’t get to see it through.

We understand.
But what if you could get rewarded for crushing those goals?

All you have to do? Crush your weekly goals and win a shirt!

Whether it’s crushing a fitness goal, mastering a new skill, or nailing that to-do list, the Drogo Community got your back. Challenge yourself, track your progress, and get rewarded for being amazing!

How to participate:

  1. Create a to-do list of all the tasks you plan to achieve during the week.
  2. Screen Grab/Munch your to-do list and share it under this post as a comment.
  3. Track your progress daily in the comment section.
  4. By the end of the week, update your to-do list and share the updated Screen Grab/Munch.
  5. Completed lists automatically qualify for the free shirts!

Think you’re up for it? Let’s go!

1 Like

Thank you @UndercoverDev this is pretty nice. Best of luck on crushing your goals.

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 12.44.27