What are your thoughts on this interaction between a manager and his teammate?

A twitter user posted this about his GenZ teammate informing him about not coming to work.

This is the whatsapp chat up close

And here is the video

What are your thoughts?

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this creates room for questions like how conversations within the workspace should be, official, casual, or Smart-casual.

Wild :joy::joy:
This is something that can only happen in my imagination.

Me as his boss will send a YouTube video link on “Effective Communication” and ask him to send an email stating all he learnt😂

Totally agree @Moo

Which would you classify this one?

Even in my imagination, this didn’t happen.

Haha but the question is - when will he watch it… because he’s obviously not coming to work today :grinning:

Naaah!!! If not for the guts in sending such a video to his boss, the reason for him not coming to work is totally off.

It’s the Audacity for me.

Disregarding and disrespectful